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Re: GNUstep on remote displays: Missing default on website documentation

From: Eric Heintzmann
Subject: Re: GNUstep on remote displays: Missing default on website documentation
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2005 14:49:50 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (X11/20041124)

Pablo Di Noto wrote:

Today I needed again to use GNUstep over an remote X11 display.
I had the same issue with blank windows, and searched the mailing list to review the trick I did last time.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain XWindowBufferUseXShm no

and that's it. I think this is a pretty common situation which should be in the website documentation.

Which version of GNUstep (-back) is this? I committed more extensive checks for whether XShm really works or not 2004-11-10, so if it's newer than that, back-art should have detected that XShm wasn't working.

I'm using Debian, with GNUstep packages made by Eric Heintzmann.
It shows gnustep-back with version 0.9.4-2, with ChangeLog dated 18/11/04.

Anyway, I think that I'm using xlib backend. The package has libart as a dependency, but when I tried setting default backend to libgnustep-art but it complains there is no such bundle.

On debian the backend is backart, xlib backend is not available.
The name of the bundle is libgnustep-back not libgnustep-art.

The version of gnustep-back in debian/unstable is 0.9.4. It was built against xfree 4.3.0 and libart-lgpl 2.3.16


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