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Re: StepTalk Patch and Xcode Project for Mac OS X

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: StepTalk Patch and Xcode Project for Mac OS X
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 09:06:32 +0100
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Citát Sungjin Chun <chunsj@embian.com>:

> Hi,
> I made patch for StepTalk on Mac OS X and Xcode project file. I'm not 
> good at using Xcode so this project is not that clean one. After 
> untarring MacOSX.tgz, there is macosx.diff file which is my patch(I 
> referred others also, like Alexander V. Diemand and Alex Perez's 
> works). Xcode build requires GNUstepBase.framework. (I need to make 
> some modification to included Project Builder project file in 
> gnustep-base)
> To Build, you have to apply this patch and open Xcode project then,
> 1. Build/Install StepTalk
> 2. Build/Install Smalltalk
> 3. Build/Install ApplicationFinder
> 4. Build/Install DistributedFinder
> 5. Build/Install ObjectiveC
> 6. Build/Install Foundation
> 7. Build/Install SimpleTranscript
> 8. Build/Install ReadlineTranscript
> 9. Build/Install AppKit
> 10. Build/Install stexec
> I've not tested extensively but most Testing/Examples scripts runs 
> well. I'll be very glad if other developer can make my patch and Xcode 
> project file better.
> That's all. Here is my patch/project tar file.

Thank you very much for the patch. I will apply it when I get home. Few notes by
brief reading of the patch:

You are patching the *Constants.m files in the steptalk Modules. For example,
you do:

+#ifndef __APPLE__

However, those files are automaticaly generated from respective filename.list
files with very simple format: object_type object_name. There is a small awk
script that generates the .m file. Perhaps if the script was extended to accept
kind of flag (like third argument in a line) to specify, whether to include it
on specific platform or not.

Concerning the .plist files: you have removed classes that are available in
GNUstep but not in OSX. While you made it work on OSX, GNUstep people would not
be able to use the objects. Possible solutions would be: crate a "template"
plist from which you would generate the real .plist file. Or change class
loading mechanism to ignore not-found classes and output a log only when
debugging is enabled.

Anyway, the patch looks good.


Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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