"Tom Koelman" <tkoelman@xs4all.nl> wrote in message
The GNUstep-base-1.10.1-gui-0.9.4.exe installer doesn't contain the
NeXTSTEP interface. You should download that seperately and try to
compile it.
Tom Koelman
Thanks Tom, I'm a bit surprised because in the "..\System\Library\Images\"
contains a whole bunch of NeXTSTEP icons
and images including arrows, toolbars and buttons. I suppose the above
mentioned installer only comes
with with GUI libraries ? If I may ask, where can I get the NeXTSTEP interface
for windows; I was wondering if you
could point me to the right direction. I also noticed that
"..\Development\msys\1.0\installer\" contains
"start-gui-services.sh" and "install-gui.sh" where can I read about these shell
scripts ? I'm new into the world
of GNUstep and I'm interested trying out the windows version and finding some
documentation that would get me started.