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NSAttributedString size

From: Stéphane Goujet
Subject: NSAttributedString size
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 13:56:17 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)


I have troubles using NSAttributedString's size method to get the area the string needs for display. It seems that it just does not work but maybe I do not use it the right way. The way I use it, it produces good results with Cocoa, but very bad ones with GNUstep.

  In the test program, I try to initialize the NSAttributedString :
1st, without attributes ;
2nd, with a font attribute, which should be the same as the default one used in the 1st case ;
3rd, with a font attribute, the size of which is twice as big.

  All those succeed with Cocoa, all fail with GNUstep. Any idea ?

--------------------- Linux/GNUstep results ------------------------

astr size: w=16564.000000, h=14.000000
astra H12 size: w=16564.000000, h=14.000000
astra H24 size: w=5666.000000, h=27.000000

------------------------- Cocoa results ----------------------------

astr size: w=56.000000, h=15.000000
astra H12 size: w=56.000000, h=15.000000
astra H24 size: w=112.030998, h=30.000000

------------------------ Test program ------------------------------

#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
        NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
        NSString *str;
        NSAttributedString *astr, *astra;
        NSFont *font;
        NSArray *val;
        NSArray *key;
        NSDictionary *attr;
        NSSize size;
        pool=[NSAutoreleasePool new];
        [NSApplication sharedApplication];
        str=[[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Test string"];
        astr=[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:str];
        size=[astr size];
        printf("astr size: w=%f, h=%f\n", size.width, size.height);

        font=[NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12];
        key=[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:NSFontAttributeName, nil];
        val=[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:font, nil];
        attr=[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:val forKeys:key];

        astra=[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:str attributes:attr];
        size=[astra size];
        printf("astra H12 size: w=%f, h=%f\n", size.width, size.height);

        font=[NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:24];
        val=[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:font, nil];
        attr=[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:val forKeys:key];

        astra=[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:str attributes:attr];
        size=[astra size];
        printf("astra H24 size: w=%f, h=%f\n", size.width, size.height);

        [pool release];

        return 0;

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