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nsview differences?

From: reuss
Subject: nsview differences?
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 02:21:04 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

I created an NSWindow with an NSView inside. In
that, I created an NSBox with an NSView inside
containing an image and a text.

When I use the dataWithEPSInsideRect method with
NSWindow's contentView and write it to a file, I
can see the box with its contents. If I do the
same with NSBox's contentView, I can see no text
neither image in the resulted eps file. Is there a
difference in Views when constructing eps inside
box and inside window?
BTW, the box background is gray and the window's
background is white. Why are they different?

Thanks for any clue.
I use the debian packages for sid by tarzeau.

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