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Re: ComboBox in TableView no longer works

From: Stéphane Goujet
Subject: Re: ComboBox in TableView no longer works
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 14:28:47 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Andreas Höschler a écrit :
about a year ago combo boxes in a tableView worked (thanks to Fred). After a recent CVS update this functionality is gone again. I have attached a very simple test program to demonstrate this. On Mac OS X the combo pops open if the button of the combo is clicked. On GNUstep this no longer works. Is anybody aware of the changes that were made during the last months that could cause this loss of functionality?

After the thread about NSComboBox (just a few days ago, 19/05/2005), Fred Kiefer made some changes. Maybe something got broken in the process.


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