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NSPort subclass

From: Thierry DELHAISE
Subject: NSPort subclass
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 18:03:33 +0200

Hi the list,

I'have to develop a daemon with quite complex task, so I think gnustep-base can help me realise this task.

I plan to use NSRunLoop and NSNotificationCenter. Others class too, but regarding the subject of my mail , just those two will be mentionned ;-)

NSRunLoop accept "Input" for any subclass of NSPort. I've found NSSocketPort wich could make the job, but I think NSSocketPort is closed to DO and so any packets receive by a NSSocketPort will be interpret has a DO request by the way of NSConnection. Right or not on that ?

So I would like to develop a NSNetPort (allways based on socket) but wich will deliver some Notifications when some input arrive. If I allready take a look on how to do that, I would like to know if the default behavior of a NSPort subclass is not to make only DO. Since if I add my new NSNetPort to the RunLoop, it will not try basicaly to process a DO request when it will call my getFDS subclass method ?

Finaly, If it's not the right way to go, how can I do the job (allways by using NSRunLoop and NSDefaultCenter) : what kind of class or subclass I have to provide ?

Thx for advices


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