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Re: NSPort role.

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: NSPort role.
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 17:25:49 +0100

On 2005-06-09 16:47:47 +0100 Thierry DELHAISE <thierry.delhaise@glconseil.com> wrote:

Hi the list,

I'have to develop a daemon with quite complex task, so I think gnustep-base can help me realise this task.

I plan to use NSRunLoop and NSNotificationCenter. Others class too, but regarding the subject of my mail , just those two will be mentionned ;-)

NSRunLoop accept "Input" for any subclass of NSPort. I've found NSSocketPort wich could make the job, but I think NSSocketPort is closed to DO and so any packets receive by a NSSocketPort will be interpret has a DO request by the way of NSConnection. Right or not on that ?

While NSPort is not completely tied to the DO system, it's not very useful on its own ... so I don't think you would want to work with NSPort. You can use an NSPort to send data to another NSPort and receive data from another NSPort, but if that's what you want to do, you would be better advised to use an NSConnection to send messages.

So I would like to develop a NSNetPort (allways based on socket) but wich will deliver some Notifications when some input arrive. If I allready take a look on how to do that, I would like to know if the default behavior of a NSPort subclass is not to make only DO. Since if I add my new NSNetPort to the RunLoop, it will not try basicaly to process a DO request when it will call my getFDS subclass method ?

Finaly, If it's not the right way to go, how can I do the job (allways by using NSRunLoop and NSDefaultCenter) : what kind of class or subclass I have to provide ?

My guess is that you want to communicate over a TCP/IP connection with another application which is not a GNUstep application (if it was a GNUstep application you would use NSConnection).
The correct way to do this is with the NSFileHandle class.

You can create an NSFileHandle instance by passing it a socket file descriptor, then use the NSFileHandle methods to read and write data either synchronously or asynchronously. The asynchronous API will generate and send an NSNotification when data is read or written.

Easier still, you can use GNUstep specific extensions to the NSFileHandle API to create the socket connection.

If you want a realistic example (necessarily a little complex), look at base/Source/GSFTPURLHandle.m ... it implements fetching a file via FTP, which in turn requires a telnet protocol connection, which is done using the asynchronous (notification based) NSFileHandle API.

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