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Re: quality assurance (was: Re: GNUstep Base 1.11.0)

From: comrade
Subject: Re: quality assurance (was: Re: GNUstep Base 1.11.0)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 05:30:28 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

> a last comment si that tracking CVS is sometimes dangerous since it may 
> render your system unreliable or not usable. Thus while I decided that 
> my netbsd/ppc box is a "test" box living dangerous, the experience with 
> the FreeBSD breakage will make me more cautious about blind updates even 
> if they seem trivial like minor changes in the build system.

Just 2c from another NetBSD + GNUstep user: to track GNUstep CVS I've
created a number of install locations, and have a test account set up to
use them with vnc - simple vnc startup scripts allow you to swap which
environment to use with your test account. (ie. yesterday' CVS or even
the last stable release if you're doing software development)

This leads to a nice situation that you can have GNUstep and eat CVS.



ps. vnc is a good solution to a surprising number of problems. But is
there a GNUstep-native vnc client?

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