In my .NET binding, I didn't 'hard-link' with gnustep-base.dll because my
binding didn't support ObjectiveC.
Instead I load everything dynamically.
I set-up the exception handler this way:
HINSTANCE _hLibGSBase = LoadGSLib("gnustep-base.dll");
void** p_err_h = (void**) GetProcAddress(_hLibGSBase,
if( !p_err_h )
throw gcnew ObjectiveCException("Cannot set NSException Handler");
*p_err_h = &UnhandledObjectiveCExceptionHandler;
Where UnhandledObjectiveCExceptionHandler is an exception handler.
Anyway it seems to work and is sometimes called.
But due to weird behavior with one of our customer I tryed the following:
NSException *ex = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"aName" reason:@"aReason"
[ex raise];
And this pops-up a GNUstep error window, then anort the process and my
handler was never called.
Any reason why?
Any thoughts?