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Re: Does anyone else find the main site confusing?

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: Re: Does anyone else find the main site confusing?
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 09:48:12 -0700 (PDT)


--- MJ Ray <mjr@phonecoop.coop> wrote:

> Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > The news items should be just news items, not links to the information page
> > about the app.  The links at the top in "Current Packages" should provide
> the
> > user with another page which shows information about the app, and also
> allows
> > them to view the annouce and to download the app itself.  Every person I
> have
> > directed to the page clicks on those top links thinking that it will take
> them
> > to an information page, instead they get a tar.gz dumped in their lap which
> > they may or may not want.
> OK, I think I agree. I'll save this message and work on it soon
> if there's no dissent. Some notes for webmasters are also long
> overdue and this should be part of those too.

Thanks. :)  This was the real issue I was attempting to discuss. 

> [...]
> > This was a general question requiring some concensus amoung the community.
> The
> > discuss list was the appropriate place.  If you have a problem with that,
> email
> > me directly and we can talk about it.
> What I have a problem with is you posting a rant about the website
> to discuss when the main problem I could understand (the versions
> on the front/news being different to the downloads) is one you made.
> Please discuss the site in general on discuss, but specific bugs
> will get fixed much faster if webmasters are emailed directly.

This was actually a secondary concern.  I forgot to update it the last time I
released Gorm.  I admit that was my fault.  I sometimes forget to update it
because the list is only exposed when the user clicks "View Package List". 
Also the "View Package List" button is relatively easy to miss as, when I go to
that page, it's neither underlined (like a link) nor is it bordered/beveled
(like a button).

> [...]
> > http://www.nongnu.org/gap
> > A few apps have been announced here, in case you weren't paying attention.
> Where was it announced?

On discuss-gnustep and info-gnustep.

> Do you know some of the links (Mirrors, for example) 404 at the moment?

TimeMon was announced Sep 14.  I'm not sure why you're getting 404.  That URL
works for me.
> -- 
> MJR/slef

Later, GJC

Gregory John Casamento 
-- CEO/President Open Logic Corp. (A MD Corp.)
## Maintainer of Gorm (IB Equiv.) for GNUstep.

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