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Re: back problem on Solaris

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: back problem on Solaris
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 15:30:21 -0700

HAVE_UTF8 is defined if  XftDrawStringUtf8 is found in the Xft library. 
Probably we need to check for this other function as well.

On 2005-11-11 15:11:06 -0700 Andreas Höschler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I just got a response from a Sun engineer telling me that  Xutf8LookupString 
> is an addition XFree86 made to libX11 which is not yet
> in the Solaris libX11. My app ran on Solaris 9 with a GNUstep source  tree 
> that is a few month old. I am not aware of having installed  anything 
> differently (additional libraries), but I might be wrong here.  Has anything 
> been added to GNUstep recently that makes use of  Xutf8LookupString and thus 
> causes the problem on Solaris? I currently  have no access to the machine so 
> I can't check whether the old GNUstep  source tree works on the Solaris 10 
> machine (will do so first thing on  monday), I doubt that. The only reference 
> to Xutf8LookupString is in  ./back/Source/x11/XIMInputServer.m.
> #ifdef HAVE_UTF8
>       if (encoding == NSUTF8StringEncoding)
>         count = Xutf8LookupString(windev->ic, event, buf, BUF_LEN,
>                                   &keysym, &status);
>       else
> #endif

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