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Re: Nokia 770 (was Re: FOSDEM 2006)

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: Nokia 770 (was Re: FOSDEM 2006)
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 21:33:48 +0000

On 15 Nov 2005 10:36:55 -0800, hns@computer.org <hns@computer.org> wrote:
> Nicolas Roard schrieb:
> > On 15 Nov 2005 07:54:18 -0800, hns@computer.org <hns@computer.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > Why on the Nokia and not show it on a better suited platform like the
> > > Sharp Zaurus?
> >
> > So, why porting on the nokia ? Well, the obvious reason is that at
> > least 4 persons in the gnustep community have one (helge, me, damien
> > and david) and can possibly work together to achieve something on the
> > nokia. Other than that, the nokia is a good device technically,
> Strange... I applied to get one from the developer program and did not
> even get a negative response from them. That, I have to admit, gave
> me some negative attitude :-(

uh :-/

Well, the device itself is fine, albeit a bit slow (probably more
because the ram is low)..
I wrote that post when I received it:

> No, there is X/Qt for the standard Zaurus (hiding the framebuffer).
> Or you can install an alternate Linux ROM or even OpenBSD with
> integrated X11 Server.

ah, ok, I didn't know about that.

> > more importantly, I don't have a Zaurus :-D
> There is at least one of the GNUstep core developer (Fred) who has a
> Zaurus.

What I meant is, if I had a zaurus, I would have perhaps tried
something with it, but I don't have one, and was able to afford the
nokia because of the developer price..

> I completely agree with most of your ideas. But...
> There is already sort of a GNUstep port/fork (what't the difference?)
> that works on a PDA and is not only a Blueprint/Concept.
> It is called mySTEP. It has some handwriting engine, is optimized for a
> smaller
> display, and resembles MacOS X much better. And uses NIBs so you can
> completely cross-develop in Xcode.
> Well, there are complaints that it is not as smoothly designed as
> MacOS.
> For example, screen rotation or smooth scaling is not working, the
> fonts are not that
> good. And some scrollers and widgets have the old *STEP styles.
> What I am looking for are developers to help to integrate mySTEP with
> GNUstep
> (in both directions although that has raised some Copyleft issues -
> Adam knows about).
> The main issues to solve for GNUstep on PDA are:
> * make it small and lightweight
> * processor has no FPU - so, use a good FPU emulation
> * make ffcall or whatever NSInvocation is based on to enable
> distributed objects
> * make it useable for pen-only operation (you have no modifier keys,
> drag&drop has
> large limitations, you can't stack windows the same way as on a large
> screen)
> These are already solved with mySTEP. So, why to start over again?

Well, I told you, I didn't even start :)
I knew about mySTEP, but didn't try it (yet). And I agree that it
would be interesting to merge it back with GNUstep, whenever that make
sense, and for a nokia port it's probably worth having a look into
mySTEP first.. is there a specific reason to keep mySTEP separated, or
is your goal/hope to port everything back ? What are the problems with
integrating it ?

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  -Arthur C. Clarke

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