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Re: Possible future Gorm name change

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: Possible future Gorm name change
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 13:13:57 +0000

On 11/19/05, Sašo Kiselkov <diablos@manga.sk> wrote:
> > > Next up: *switches keyboard languages* Étoilé.  I'm french, and that
> > > may technically be a word, but somehow I doubt that the people who
> > > this is aimed towards are all french.  How is this pronounced in
> > > english?
> >
> > Just the same as it is in French. :)
> Uh, oh, I must admit I, on the other hand, have absolutely no clue about how
> it's prononounced correctly. Am I supposed to read the E's long because of the
> accents? Am I supposed to read the trailing 'e' or just let the word end at
> 'l'? And should I also join the "i" with the following letter and read the "l"
> much softer than I would in English? I'm quite puzzled by that name.

Well, if you check etoile's mailing list archives, you'll see that we
wanted to change for another name, more "international". But then the
majority in the project preferred to keep Etoile (personally, I didn't
care, and was probably more on the side of changing name), partly
because it sounded french, and partly because it sounded original...
so... why not :) -- after all, you want something that sounds

You can write it Etoile, or Étoilé, it doesn't matter. The
pronounciation in french should be close to eh-twal-eh ...

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  -Arthur C. Clarke

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