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Re: Gnustep gui and win32 visual styles (theme)

From: Michael Hanni
Subject: Re: Gnustep gui and win32 visual styles (theme)
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 09:22:20 -0800 (PST)


--- Nicolas Roard <nicolas.roard@gmail.com> wrote:

> Indeed, we should have, in addition to the current
> language-selector, an "environment" defaults to select the right 
> .gorm

Excellent idea... We could still have some basic ones hard coded though. NeXT
loaded up MyApp-win(something).nib instead of the standard main nib when it was
on windows.

> The first obvious idea is to put the menu in all the NSWindow
> but not in the NSPanel.. But ideally, we should have an ivar in
> NSWindow to set if it accept menu or not, and set that ivar in
> Gorm. Greg.. ?

I suppose I could play with this... Need to find some time. Anyone want to work
on this? Basically GSHorizontalMenuView needs to be cleaned up and the
references to the GSMenuWindow (or whatever we called it back in the day) need
to be removed so you can plug it in easily. Then you need to extend NSWindow a
little so that it plugs in your GSHorizontalMenuView in the window.

> You should release the menu-in-windows hack as it is :-)

I'm not sure I still have the code, but I will look around for it this evening.
A year is a long time, that code could be anywhere. :-)



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