Hi @list,
I was kinda bored yesterday so I reinstalled GNUstep from scratch with
a more OSX'ish filesystem structure ( i.e. /Applications, /Library,
/Tools ).
Everything went smoothly, except for one step.
When installing gnustep-make, everything is put into /Library, except
the Makefiles directory, which gets installed into
/System/Library/Makefiles/, regardless of GNUstep.conf or any
configure options. Obvioulsy, the successive installation of -base
etc. will fail, since the make scripts are assumed to be in
The reason is in .../core/make/GNUmakefile[.in], more specifically
the line
which is always expanded to
makedir = /System/Library/Makefiles
IMHO, this should probably read
makedir = $(GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT)/Library/Makefiles