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Re: NSLog (on windows)

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: Re: NSLog (on windows)
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 10:12:18 +1000

I'm not using any GNUstep related framework (apart from GNUstep itself).
(the Other libraries, FYI, are .NET 2.0, DotNetBar, win32, and my code).
So this NSLog is somewhere in GNUstep.
I would guess it happens when I call "[NSApplication sharedAplicaton]"
But I'm not too sure about that, never tried to identify the culprit...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Fred Kiefer" <fredkiefer@gmx.de>
To: "Lloyd Dupont" <lloyd@nova-mind.com>
Cc: "David Ayers" <d.ayers@inode.at>; "GNUstep Discussion" <discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: NSLog (on windows)

Lloyd Dupont wrote:
Maybe you want to be using NSDebugLog.
the problem is:
I have not a single NSLog in my code.
they all are in GNUstep.
So I can't turn them off....
Except with my "if ( 0 )" trick!

Now this is strange. In your first mail on this subject you quoted the
following message:

2005-11-30 00:56:43.000 NovaMindEditor.exe[5388] Starting resolution

And I cannot find this string "Starting resolution" anywhere in GNUstep
core. What other libraries/framworks are you using?


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