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Re: GNUStep FreeBSD 6.0

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: GNUStep FreeBSD 6.0
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:57:25 -0700

On 2006-01-11 19:02:43 -0700 Henry Acevedo <henryacev@hotmail.com> wrote:

I just like to know if there is anyone who has experience in setup via GNUstartup script to install GNUStep latest version

I allways do via ports, but takes some time in get the latest port, and when I tries to do via the script, some errors stop the install process

any help please! or can the GNUStep team to include FreeBSD into the startup script

thanks and all the best keep the good work on GNUStep

If you send me the logs with all the errors (meaning, running from scratch with nothing installed) I could try to fix things to work. As I don't have FreeBSD it might take multiple tries to get it right.

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