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Re: back online again

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: back online again
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:57:48 +0100

On Jan 15, 2006, at 20:21, Philippe C.D. Robert wrote:
Do you have concrete numbers which indicate "massively higher (ptr) memory overhead and load times" ?

Obviously not, that is why I wrote: _expect_ to be slower.

Why do I expect this? Because in Objective-C programs plenty of objects are used and objects in ObjC are always accessed by pointers. Just take using a simple NSString like @"hello", the isa pointer will be larger than the payload. Every reference to the string will be larger than the payload.

I would say the far majority of classes/objects in SOPE/OGo consist of pointers (either to other objects or to base objects like NSString's). So I would expect the memory consumption to increase significantly. This should also hurt the CPU cache.

So this is why I wondered when Richard said that its 50% faster :-) I would be pleased if it would be as fast as 32bit and just result in the waste of memory ;-) Also note that I know little to nothing about the CPU architectures in place, which is why I asked whether someone knows a reason why 64bit would be faster except for applications which actually require 64bit numbers or pointers.


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