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Drawing problem with ComboBox

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: Drawing problem with ComboBox
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 12:17:02 +0100

Hello all,

I have a combo box in our app with setUsesDataSource:YES. When I pop up the combo box, some rows are blank though they shouldn't. The method

- (id)comboBox:(NSComboBox *)aComboBox objectValueForItemAtIndex:(int)index

returns correct values. Now it gets weird. When reproduce the problem (popping up the combo box table view) and then use gimp to make a screenshot, on the screenshot all rows are shown correctly while they aren't in my app. This leads me to think that it must be an issue in back. Probably gimp causes all windows on the screen to redraw before the screenshot is taken. We have built back (latest cvs) with

        ./configure --enable-graphics=art
        make install

Any ideas? This is on Solaris 10 with GNOME. But I bet this can be reprduced on any X11-based system. Thanks a lot in advance!



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