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Re: debuging help (on Windows)

From: Sheldon Gill
Subject: Re: debuging help (on Windows)
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:32:01 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Lloyd Dupont wrote:

I'm using GNUstep to power up part of my appliction (which is, otherwise, compiled with VisualStudio 2005 from Microsoft). I have some random memory corruption happening some times crashing my application. It happends in the GNUstep part of code, which VS2005 is unable to break-in or understand.
I also tried
GSZombieEnabled=YES in GNUstep.conf but that didn't help (I mean I have no error message happening in the log)

That won't help. You want

defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSZombieEnabled YES


set GSZombieEnabled=YES

What can I do?

There are a number of things which you can do:

First, is your non-GNUstep code entirely .NET? Otherwise memory debugging for this would help. It could be this code is trashing GNUstep memory.

Second, Unit testing should exercise your code vigourously and may help identify the cause or at least narrow it.

Third, I've always found DesignByContract very helpful. Assert everything, everywhere as far as possible.

Fourth, look at NSDebug.h for more GNUstep memory debugging capabilities.

Is there any debugging tool (even commercial) I could use?

GDB may help. You might like to use Insight as a front-end.


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