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Re: WinXP and NoteBook.app, Success!

From: Sašo Kiselkov
Subject: Re: WinXP and NoteBook.app, Success!
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 08:44:10 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.5

Quoting Jeremy Cowgar <jeremy@cowgar.com>:

> Hello!
> With all the talk of Windows recently, I decided to setup a Windows box and
> see if my NoteBook app would compile/run on it. Success! I just installed the
> -gui development environment, untar'd my sources from my FreeBSD box and then
> make install && openapp NoteBook and all worked great!
> You can see a screen shot on NoteBook.app's home page:
> http://notebook.cowgar.com/

Why not include it in the GNUstep app database at
http://www.gnustep.org/GSWeb/GSApps.woa ?


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