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Re: NSTableView progress

From: Matt Rice
Subject: Re: NSTableView progress
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 16:47:21 -0700 (PDT)

--- Andreas H�schler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de> wrote:

> Hello all,


i couldn't find in the source where
contacts the delegate with -tableView:shouldSelectRow:

and believe it is currently sent only on event caused
selection changes not api caused, (anyone have a
better idea, or could test?)

i couldn't find in the docs anywhere it specifies if
it should/shouldn't, so i would add a

if ([self _shouldSelectRow:i])
   around that.

> - (BOOL)_editNextEditableCellAfterRow:(int)row
> column: (int)column
> {
>     int i, j;
>     if (row > -1)
>       {
>        // First look for cells in the same row
>        for (j = column + 1; j < _numberOfColumns;
> j++)
>          {
>           if (_isCellEditable (_delegate,
> _tableColumns, self, row, j) 
> == YES)
>             {
>              [self editColumn: j  row: row 
> withEvent: nil  select: YES];
>              return YES;
>             }
>          }
>       }
>    // Otherwise, make the big cycle.
>     for (i = row + 1; i < _numberOfRows; i++)
>       {
>        [self selectRow:i byExtendingSelection:NO];
> // <-- add this to 
> make tabbing over row boundaries work
>        for (j = 0; j < _numberOfColumns; j++)
>          {
>           if (_isCellEditable (_delegate,
> _tableColumns, self, i, j) == 
> YES)
>             {
>              [self editColumn: j  row: i  withEvent:
> nil  select: YES];
>              NSLog(@"row YES editColumn: %d row:
> %d", j, i);
>              return YES;
>             }
>          }
>       }
>     return NO;
> }
> Regards,
>    Andreas

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