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Re: My GNUstep experience.

From: Thomas T. Cremers
Subject: Re: My GNUstep experience.
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 10:51:08 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060126

> Welcome to GNUstep then ;-)

Thnx!  And thanks for all the info. I took a few days for my email to
reach the list so in that time I found out a lot more info. I now use
WindowMaker with GWorkspace and parts of the etoile Bundles and of course
Terminal. But I also really like Affiche, don't know why but i just
really love sticky notes ;) I'm still pretty much vi guy so I hardly
ever us a graphical editor. I do play around with ProjectCenter and at
work I use Eclipse to do my Java coding.

> I would say usual combinations involves GWorkspace + WindowMaker +
> Lots of GNUstep apps: probably Preferences.app, TextEdit and Terminal
> from backbone (http://www.nongnu.org/backbone/),
> Addresses(http://www.giesler.biz/bjoern/en/sw_addr.html), GNUMail
> (http://www.collaboration-world.com/gnumail/), apps from the
> gsimageapps project (http://home.gna.org/gsimageapps/) (Preview and
> Vindaloo), etc.

Most of these I'm using and work great. Have a small problem with
GNUmail, I can't seem to send my imap password crypt. I configured
imapd on my server to only accept crypt. But I did not really dive in
to this. 

> But for the moment Étoilé is not usable for an end-user -- the 0.1
> release concentrated mostly on providing frameworks. The future 0.2
> release will probably be more interesting for users as it will feature
> more applications. In the meantime you can always check what's on
> étoilé's subversion repository -- there's nice things like the menu
> server, the dictionary reader, etc. But it's probably a good idea to
> wait for the release unless you want to play with the code and help us
> ;-)

Good thing I'm not really looking for an end-user experience ;-) At the
moment I'm diving into objc and just coding some test apps and getting
my self familiar with the api's and having loads of fun in the process.
So yeah would be fun to help out.



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