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NSAttributeString source code....

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: NSAttributeString source code....
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 19:24:03 +1000

In NSAttributedString I found the following code (snippets)
======= NSAttributedString.m (snippets) ==============

static SEL getSel;

@implementation NSAttributedString

+ (void) initialize
 if (self == [NSAttributedString class])
     getSel = @selector(attributesAtIndex:effectiveRange:);

- (NSDictionary*) attributesAtIndex: (unsigned int)index
      longestEffectiveRange: (NSRange*)aRange
      inRange: (NSRange)rangeLimit
 NSDictionary *attrDictionary;
 IMP  getImp;

 getImp = [self methodForSelector: getSel];
 attrDictionary = (*getImp)(self, getSel, index, aRange);
 return attrDictionary;


Now I wonder.....
Why in Hell write that?

I mean what's wrong with:
attrDictionary = [self attributesAtIndex: index effectiveRange: aRange]
Why replace it by:
 static SEL getSel;
 getSel = @selector(attributesAtIndex:effectiveRange:);
 getImp = [self methodForSelector: getSel];
 attrDictionary = (*getImp)(self, getSel, index, aRange);

Yes, why????
why GNUstep code work so hard at being so obscure???

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