I'm not too familiar with GNUmakefiles
There is an "unespected behaviour" in ServiceBarKit with a "ifeq ($
(test), yes)" that results in an error in ServiceBarMenulet
Making all in ServicesBarKit...
Project: /Users/Shared/dports/build/
if [ "" = "yes" ]; then \
rm -f /Users/Shared/dports/build/
Frameworks/ServicesBarKit/UnitKit; \
ln -s /Users/Shared/dports/build/
Frameworks/ServicesBarKit/../UnitKit/Source/FrameworkSource \
Frameworks/ServicesBarKit/UnitKit; \
Making all in ServicesBarMenulet...
Making all for bundle ServicesBarMenulet...
gcc-dp-4.1 -fgnu-runtime -bundle -lServicesBarKit -
flat_namespace -undefined warning -o ./ServicesBarMenulet.menulet/./
ServicesBarMenulet ./shared_obj/ServicesBarMenulet.o -L.././
shared_obj -L/opt/local/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries/ -L/opt/
local/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/ -lSystemStubs -lgnustep-gui
-lgnustep-base -lobjc -lm
/opt/local/bin/odld: warning -L: directory name (.././shared_obj)
does not exist
/opt/local/bin/odld: warning -prebind has no effect with -bundle
/opt/local/bin/odld: can't locate file for: -lServicesBarKit
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status