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Re: NSTableView issue

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: NSTableView issue
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 15:40:20 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060725)

Hi Andreas,

did you have a look at the mail that Quentin send to this list less then
a week ago? He addresses a problem coming from a similar question you
send to this list previously. I hope that today I have time to implement
what he did suggest, perhaps you could check in parallel if this also
resolves your current problem.


Andreas Höschler schrieb:
> I wondered why I could not select (Copy) a cell in a tableView in one of
> our apps. I finally found that thi sis due to
> - (void) setDataSource: (id)anObject
> {
>   /* Used only for readability */
>   const SEL sel_a = @selector (numberOfRowsInTableView:);
>   const SEL sel_b = @selector (tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:);
>   const SEL sel_c =
> @selector(tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:);
>   if (anObject && [anObject respondsToSelector: sel_a] == NO)
>     {
>       [NSException
>     raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
>     format: @"Data Source doesn't respond to numberOfRowsInTableView:"];
>     }
>   if (anObject && [anObject respondsToSelector: sel_b] == NO)
>     {
>       [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
>            format: @"Data Source doesn't respond to "
>            @"tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:"];
>     }
>   _dataSource_editable = [anObject respondsToSelector: sel_c];
>   NSLog(@"setDataSource %@ %@ %d", anObject,
> NSStringFromSelector(sel_c), _dataSource_editable);
>   /* We do *not* retain the dataSource, it's like a delegate */
>   _dataSource = anObject;
>   [self tile];
>   [self reloadData];
> }
> _dataSource_editable being NO. I have not implemented
> tableView:setObjectValue:... in my data source, sincen I do not actually
> want ti edt the cells, but I wantto be able to select and copy from the
> columns I set to be editable. On MacOSX this works. A solution tomake
> this working on GNustep would be to implement the method in question and
> simply do nothing. But may be the SPEC sould be checked here. MacOSX at
> least behaves differently.

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