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Re: Discuss-gnustep Digest, Vol 48, Issue 18

From: Michael Thaler
Subject: Re: Discuss-gnustep Digest, Vol 48, Issue 18
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:40:07 +0100


> I think you'll find that the systems which have the scroll bar on the
> right are also more than 10 years old. There may have been advances made
> in GUI's in the last ten years, but the position of the scroll bar is
> not one of them.

It is probably not a good analogy but: In principle it doesn't matter much on 
what side of the road you are driving. The British probably think it is better 
to drive on the left side, while the rest of the world thinks it is better to 
drive on the right side. But there are certain advantages if all the people 
drive on the same side of the road...

The same goes for the scrollbars. It really doesn't matter that much on what 
side of the window the scrollbars are, as long as all applications have it on 
the same side.

I think most people that run gnustep applications together with other 
applications will profit from having all the scrollbars on the same side.


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