...using the installer on the FTP site! I noticed some issues which I'm not sure if they've are known, have been fixed or are unknown. I built the gnustep-examples apps but couldn't not run them after doing a make install and running openapp <app>, I got this error:
$ openapp Ink Could not find /gnustep-install-dir/Local/Applications/Ink.app /gnustep-install-dir/Local/Applications/Ink.app/Ink.exe executable/script
So I went ahead, CDed into the directory where the app was built and ran openapp ./Ink, which worked pretty well, but whenever I opened a new document the title bar was outside the screen. I think this is a known issue, but mentioning anyway.
Calculator.app also had a little inconsistency. I'm guessing that GNUstep on windows add a "Server Preferences" option to the Info submenu, but Calculator doesn't have an Info menu, only an Info menu item, so an Info submenu is added and Server Preferences added to it.
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Just install GNUstep on Windows...,
Stefan Bidigaray<=