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GNUstep cookbook, maintenance.

From: Marko Riedel
Subject: GNUstep cookbook, maintenance.
Date: Sat, 5 May 2007 23:40:04 +0200 (CEST)

Dear friends,

I decided to do some maintenance work on the cookbook; this is the URL:


Wim Oudshoorn sent a list of ERRATA quite some time ago, not all of which
I corrected at the time. In particular, he pointed out that I had
autorelease statements in initializers, when in fact only factory methods
should return autoreleased objects. I corrected this in the GMPInt recipe
and the graph enumeration recipe. There were also some subtle bugs in the
graph enumeration recipe, which are now fixed.

Lastly, I have a question for the list. Given that the problem of finding
an Hamiltonian circuit in general is NP-complete, should we omit the
respective recipe from the cookbook? Or should we comment on the
NP-completeness of the problem?

(More info is here: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HamiltonianCircuit.html.)

Best regards,


| Marko Riedel, EDV Neue Arbeit gGmbH, markoriedelde@yahoo.de |
| http://www.geocities.com/markoriedelde/index.html           |

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