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Re: how to print an image

From: Riccardo
Subject: Re: how to print an image
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 23:45:13 +0200
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)


On 2007-05-12 17:46:30 +0200 Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de> wrote:

not shure what is going wrogn here. Are you sure the view you want to
print is [windowController view]. This would be the easiest explaination
what may go wrong :-)
reading my attempts explained further down, it seems so. But the windowcontroller returns as a view the special view sublass I use. the View is connected in the nib to the view inside the scrollview, thus indeed what I intend to print: the complete image. So for sure I am doing something wrong since it fails on mac and gnustep, but I am still overseeing somehthing!

There is one obvious error in your code. You give the print operation as
the first parameter to the cal to runOperationModalForWindow:. Here a
window needs to be passed in. This mehtod will always show the print
panel, no matter what you set in the line before. I am not sure if this
is the correct behaviour in GNUstep, but the code seems to do this on
I fixed this, it was indeed a bug, but fixing it didn't change the behaviour, on mac at least.

You could use runOperation instead, if you want to have control over the
Just as a test I tried that and the result didn't change,


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