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Re: Accounting Apps Re: [OGo-Developer] Changes to trunk, Testing

From: Paraplegic Racehorse
Subject: Re: Accounting Apps Re: [OGo-Developer] Changes to trunk, Testing
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 00:56:10 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

On May 29, 5:05 am, David Wetzel <d...@turbocat.de> wrote:
> Helge Hess wrote:
> > Is it possible to specify what such an application should do? :-)
> > What kind of data would need to be captured and what functionality is
> > required?
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rechnungswesenhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accountancy
> > Is it supposedly difficult to get such an app right? (does it involve
> > tax laws and such?)
> YES. Very much. For example you have to proof that the data once written is 
> not changeable later.
> Which is IMHO total non-sense, because you can always edit files on a hard 
> disk. You can also edit a
> paper based accounting book - you just have to tell your secretary to write 
> it again with changes X Y
> Z...

Full-on accountancy softwares are horrendously complex, especially
when you start worrying about payroll, taxation, job-costing, and
other special-case scenarios. I suggest you start with a simple
invoice/billing + cheque-register app and add features as you become
more familiar and comfortable with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting
Principals) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAAP

We're all in need of a nice and friendly invoicing app, though.
GnuCash, GNUaccounting, Quasar, jBilling, Kumula, and several web-
interface softwares might be good places to look for insight into
solving some of the more sticky problems.

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