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[ANNOUNCE] SimpleAgenda 0.17

From: Philippe Roussel
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] SimpleAgenda 0.17
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:47:00 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

Hi all

You can download the last version here


SimpleAgenda depends on ChronographerSource, which can be found at the
same url, and on libical that I downloaded from

SimpleAgenda can now read iCalendar files (it's very limited but works
with files generated by Thunderbird Lightning) locally and over http.
Take a look at the attached 'defaults' for a configuration example.

Here's my current TODO list

In no particular order :

* iCalendar write support (almost there, the networking part is working)

* better user preferences (agenda creation/deletion)

* recurrent events

* alerts and user notification (visual, by mail etc)

* remove ChronographerSource dependency and use libical for local
   stores ?

* redo user defaults, current code is ugly

* snap events to defined time intervals

* use configure to detect libical ?

* use bundles for backend ?

Comments, tests results and patches will be appreciated !

Thanks to Richard, Helge and Dennis for you help and suggestions.

Quand les types de 130 kilos disent certaines choses, les types de 60 kilos les 
écoutent.. M. Audiard

Attachment: defaults
Description: Text document

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