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Re: [ANN] SOGo-0.9-20070619 released

From: Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
Subject: Re: [ANN] SOGo-0.9-20070619 released
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 02:05:24 +0200

Am 19.06.2007 um 20:48 schrieb Wolfgang Sourdeau:

Inverse team is happy to announce the pre-release 0.9-20070619 of Scalable OpenGroupware.org (alias "SOGo").

[ What is SOGo ]

SOGo is a flavour of OGo that was redesigned for scalability while keeping the fundamental functionalities of a groupware server. It can be used both as a Web application with a user interface that integrates well with the Mozilla application suite, or as a GroupDAV and CalDAV server which you can then access from your native client application of choice such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning.

Inverse has contributed to SOGo many enhancements and features, such as :

- Fresh AJAX-based user interface which mimics the Thunderbird /
Lighthing / Sunbird look and feel while reducing resource usage
- Calendar, address book and IMAP folder sharing
- Exchange and Oracle Calendar-compatible ACLs
- Tasks support and vCard storage support for contacts
- Multiple address books per user and LDAP-based address books
- CalDAV support

Screenshots of the Web interface for the calendar, address book and email modules are available from :


and of the native interface provided by Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning :


Finally, you can also visit Inverse's website (http://inverse.ca) which contains more information about SOGo (http://www.inverse.ca/ contributions/sogo.html),

I'm currently trying to convince our IT-department to switch from the (very sucking) Scalix to (S)OGo. For that purpose it would be really great and helpful if some sort of publicly accessible SOGo installation (with a playground account like test/test or the like) would exist (instead of just screenshots) since a working app tells more than a thousand screenshots.



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