Re: new user of gnustep on ubuntu question about basic usage
Stefan Bidigaray
Re: new user of gnustep on ubuntu question about basic usage
Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:40:10 -0400
If I remember correctly, Ubuntu uses Debian Sid's packages, which are generally outdated with regards to GNUstep. They were updated a few months ago, but since the most resent release it's now outdated. Other packages, including GWorkspace, GNUMail and others are also outdated. Unfortunately, the best way to get GNUstep packages for most distributions is still to compile it yourself. Fortunately, compiling GNUstep based program is quite a bit easier than others (no need for ./configure, except on core libraries). I'm not sure who makes the Debian packages, but I assume he reads this
mailing list and could explain why they have yet to be upgraded (keep
in mind it's hard to get packages included in the official Debian
distribution, but should be easier with the new -make).
I generally make fairly up-to-date packages for Slackware, but haven't upgraded them recently because of the upcoming 12.0 release (wouldn't make sense upgrading packages only to have to build them again).
I'm not going to attempt to answer your WebKit question as I'm not a developer, but WebKit is open, and SimpleWebKit (GNUstep's implementation) is not intended to be a complete replacement, only a simplified version of it. WebKit developers have also offered to help anyone who is interested in porting to GNUstep, but the problem is that GNUstep do not have that many developers.