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Re: AlpenStep photos

From: Gerold Rupprecht
Subject: Re: AlpenStep photos
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 13:42:17 +0000
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2007-09-03 04:09:23 +0000 Jesse Ross <gnustep@jesseross.com> wrote:

I uploaded some pictures I took this weekend during AlpenStep :

AlpenStep was fun, lots of discussion and hacking. Big thank you to
Gerold for having organized everything ! Plus the GNUstep cake was
delicious ;-)

This turned out to be one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever ordered! Just check out my expression on Ricardo's blog


Of course I am wearing the GNUstep Tshirt Lars made up for us from FOSDEM (thanx).

Looks like a great time was had!

Definitely, even for the organisers!

I saw the transparent windows support... but what all else was hacked on? Are there "meeting notes" in the works to be posted to the mailing list?

See Ricardo's blog for starts. I hope others give their feedback as well here.

looking forward to the next edition :-P

OK, so would the same time and place for next year be appropriate? Hopefully we can get a few more developers (Richard ? Nicola ? Oliver? ...)

I'm going to need to start putting more money to my travel budget... that or convince the GNUsteppers in the Western Hemisphere to start having get-togethers... ;)

We look forward to you joining us!


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Gerold Rupprecht
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CH-1206 Geneva

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