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Re: Two gui changes

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Two gui changes
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:36:44 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070801)

Wolfgang Lux wrote:
> Andreas Höschler wrote:
>> This NSAssert killed a presentation today! :-( My application died
>> with an uncaught exception while trying to show a message with
>> NSRunAlterPanel. What is this NSAssert good for?
> Quoted from Apple's documentation of -convertRect:toView:
>   aView
>   The view that is the target of the conversion operation. If aView is
> nil, this method instead converts from window base coordinates.
> Otherwise, both aView and the receiver must belong to the same NSWindow
> object.

I fully agree with this comment and for the problem with NSAlert itself,
wouldn't it be better to allow the messageField to wrap the text itself?
This may require some adjustments to the size calculation and I am not
sure, how it will interact with the scroll view, that we get for too bis
messages. Perhaps somebody just needs to review the size calculations
[GSAlertPanel insizePanelToFit]

> The last sentence should explain the assertion. So if this assertion
> crashed your program, it looks like there is a bug in your program. BTW,
> are you sure that NSRunAlertPanel did cause the problem? I would expect
> that the alert panel was shown by the gui's handler for uncaught
> exceptions.

In NSApplication the uncaught exception handler is set up to call
GSRunExceptionPanel(). A patch to NSRunAlertPanel really should not
affect what happens there.

Andreas, could you please provide further information, what your problem
was and why you think your patch helped.


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