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ANN: Build Guide 2.0.1

From: Dennis Leeuw
Subject: ANN: Build Guide 2.0.1
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 15:07:39 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20071018)

Hi all,

There is an updated 2.0.x version of the GNUstep Build Guide for Unix systems: http://gnustep.made-it.com/BuildGuide/index.html

Removed all GNUSTEP_*_ROOT occurrences

Chopped the document into 3 parts (still a single document) according to content:
        I. about GNUstep
        II. Building GNUstep
        III. Configuring GNUstep
This gave me the opportunity to better introduce GNUstep and the different parts. And to explain the domain part before building.

A couple of chapters, sections and paragraphs received a different place within the document. Hope this makes it a better document.

Happy Stepping,


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