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Re: NSThread Comparisons

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: NSThread Comparisons
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 15:05:25 +0000

On 4 Jan 2008, at 00:11, Justin Kendrick wrote:

I'm writing a class which needs to determine the current thread and get an object tied to that thread. I'd like to use an NSDictionary keyed by an NSThread object, but NSThread instances not copyable (and I can't find any good documentation on how NSDictionary matches non-NSString keys anyway). Beyond that, I thought that I might use an NSValue created with valueWithUnretainedObject:, but that feels really hackish.

You might consider using the EtoileThread framework (3-clause BSDL). The ETThread class is a drop-in replacement for NSThread with a few other features (auto-creation of an autorelease pool and so on). When a thread is created with an ETThread object, a pointer to that object is placed into thread-local storage. Calling +currentThread returns the ETThread object for the current thread, if there is one. Calling - isCurrentThread lets you know if an ETThread object corresponds to the current (POSIX) thread.

Have fun.

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