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Re: Question on mini windows

From: Andreas Schik
Subject: Re: Question on mini windows
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:58:49 +0100
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2008-01-11 19:15:20 +0100 Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de> wrote:

> Andreas Schik wrote:
>> On 2008-01-10 21:43:11 +0100 Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Andreas Schik wrote:
>>>> On 2008-01-08 18:52:49 +0100 Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>>> Sas wrote:
>>>>>> I've observed the same behavior, art backend. It seems the 
>>>>>> backend
>>>>>> doesn't inform the WM about the window being iconified, so it 
>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>> appear as a miniwindow in WindowMaker, or as a window-icon in 
>>>>>> any other
>>>>>> WM (tested on Gnome and KDE).
>>>>> Yes, this is what is happening. When the window decoration comes 
>>>>> from
>>>>> the window manager, then minimizing a window via the icon does 
>>>>> not call
>>>>> any GNUstep code. If on the other hand you minimize via the menu, 
>>>>> the
>>>>> GNustep code gets activate (You may set the environment option
>>>>> GSAppOwnsMiniwindow to prevent this).
>>>> What happens here is this:
>>>> Using the app's menu the window is miniaturized, but comes back to 
>>>> its
>>>> original size immediately, no matter how I set 
>>>> GSAppOwnsMiniwindow. If
>>>> I set this value to NO, however, i can at least use Windowmaker's
>>>> title bar button again.
>>>> This behaviour is always the same, no matter who handles the
>>>> decorations.
>>> This is completely different to what I get here. Which window 
>>> manager
>>> are you using? Ah, Window Maker, but what version? Looks like I 
>>> have to
>>> install that myself and test there.
>> According to the info panel it's 0.92.0. I run Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy).
>> Don't know whether they patch it in any way, but I don't think so.
> I just tried with Windo Maker 0.92. There mini windows work perfectly 
> if
> the GSAppOwnsMiniwindow default is set to NO. When this default is 
> YES,
> no mini windows get displayed. Most likely Window Maker is suppressing
> the mini windows that GNUstep is creating.
> With my KDE window manager (what ever it's name is) I get normal 
> GNUstep
> mini windows when the default is YES (Only when using the window 
> menu!)
> and no mini windows when the default is NO.
> As your Window Maker seems to behave different from mine, I would 
> expect
> that you have a specific configuration for your Window Maker that 
> needs
> to be corrected.
OK, thanks for the hint. I played around with WMaker's mini window
settings and found that the menu works if I switch on 'omnipresent
mini windows'. As i use only one workspace I ignored this setting so
far. But still mini windows work only if GSAppOwnsMiniwindow is set to
NO ( as you descrbe above).
What is the reason behind GSAppOwnsMiniwindow anyway? What do I
achieve if I set it to YES?


Mail: andreas dot schik at web dot de
Home: http://www.andreasheppel.de

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