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ANN: SOGo v1.0 RC5

From: Wolfgang Sourdeau
Subject: ANN: SOGo v1.0 RC5
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 17:34:24 -0500
User-agent: SOGoMail 1.0

The Inverse Team is pleased to announce the fourth release candidate (RC5) of 
Scalable OpenGroupware.org (SOGo).

=== What is SOGo ===

SOGo is a free and modern scalable groupware server. It offers shared 
calendars, address books and emails through your favorite Web browser or by 
using a native client such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning.

SOGo is standard-compliant and supports CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV and reuses 
existing IMAP, SMTP and database servers - making the solution easy to deploy 
and interoperable with many applications.

SOGo features :

 * Scalable architecture suitable for deployments from dozen to many thousand 
 * Rich Web-based interface that shares the look and feel, the features and the 
data of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning
 * Improved integration with Mozilla Thunderbird and Lighthing by using the 
SOGo Connector and the SOGo Integrator
 * Two-way synchronization support with any SyncML-capable devices (BlackBerry, 
Palm, Windows CE, etc.) by using the Funambol SOGo Connector

and many more! SOGo and our connectors are completely free.

=== Getting SOGo ===

SOGo is free software and is distributed under the GNU GPL. As such, you are 
free to download and try it by either getting the newly released snapshot from :


or by getting the sources from the official SVN server :


Documentation about the installation and configuration of SOGo is available 
from :


You can also try our online SOGo demo at :


Finally, you can also download our SOGo Connector for Mozilla Thunderbird / 
Lighthing and our SOGo Connector for Funambol at :


These connectors allow a good integration with Mozilla Thunderbird, Lightning 
and your favorite mobile devices.

=== Changes from the previous release ===

 * improved validation in the custom recurrence window
 * improved resiliance when parsing buggy recurrence rules
 * added the ability to authenticate users and to identify their resources with 
an LDAP field other than the username
 * the monthly view would not switch to the next or previous month if the 
current day of the new month was already displayed in the current view
 * enabled the instant-messaging entry in the addressbook
 * prevent the user from selecting disabled menu entries
 * added the ability to add/remove and rename calendars in DAV
 * no longer require a default domain name/imap server to work properly
 * the position of the splitters is now remembered across user sessions
 * improved the email notifications when creating and removing a folder
 * fixed the tab handling in IE7
 * improved the appearance of widgets in IE7
 * dramatic improvement in the overall stability of SOGo

=== How can I help ? ===

The product is in constant evolution. You can provide your help to make SOGo 
better by contributing on various areas such as :

 * Testing and bug reports! (you can use http://sogo-demo.inverse.ca)
 * CSS and JavaScript adjustments to the Web UI

Feel free to send us your questions. You can also post them to the SOGo mailing 


=== Getting Support ===

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing an email to : 

Inverse offers profesionnal services around SOGo to help organizations deploy 
the solution and migrate from their legacy systems.
Wolfgang Sourdeau
T: +1 514 989-2000 ext. 2602 C: +1 514 755-3520

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