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Getting up to dagte GNUstep into Debian

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Getting up to dagte GNUstep into Debian
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 20:10:17 +0100

The freeze for libraries in the next Debian release is sometime real soon now.

We should be able to get the latest release of the GNUstep libraries into this, so that the next Debian will have a reasonably up to date GNUstep at last.

Please could anyone able to spare the time, download the current stable GNUstep-base (1.16.1) and try to find any bugs in it and post them to the bug tracker (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/? group=gnustep), so that we can get fixes and make a bugfix release (1.16.2) in time for it to go into Debian.

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