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Re: GNUStep and Cocoa Distributed Objects compatibility

From: hns
Subject: Re: GNUStep and Cocoa Distributed Objects compatibility
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 03:26:49 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

> Well, tcpdump is not sufficient since on that level you will only see
> the full NSPortMessages but the important thing is the payload.

That may be a little too pessimistic. It should be possible to decide
if keyed archiving is used or binary.

You will see the payload within the NSPortMessages (plus their
headers). So, if Cocoa uses keyed archiving in the NSPortCoder you
should see the key strings somewhere. Please make sure that your DO
really does byCopy transfers, e.g. use - (void) myMethod:(bycopy
NSAttributedString *) arg. Or try bycopy NSImage

Bycopy sould be used rarely anyway. Here I have found a nice story
about trying to use bycopy on NSImage or NSScreen:



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