On Mar 28, 11:40 pm, Markus Hitter <m...@jump-ing.de> wrote:
Am 27.03.2009 um 23:10 schrieb oren:
[@"//host/share" stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] produces @"" and
looks like a bug
the doc said @"//host/share" should produces @"/host/share"
removing ^/ ? looks like a typo there.
FYI, Mac OS X 10.4 produces @"/host" which is what I'd expect.
These extensions to NSString are meant to handle paths, not URLs.
Simplifying // to / is correct.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitterhttp://www.jump-ing.de/
the whole doc is like this.
@"//host/share/file" produces @"//host/share/"
@"//host/share/" produces @"/host/share/"
@"//host/share" produces @"/host/share"