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Re: XML parser

From: hns
Subject: Re: XML parser
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 06:55:37 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 1 Apr., 15:47, Sebastian Reitenbach <sebas...@l00-bugdead-prods.de>
> Hi,
> for my next part I need to parse XML documents, I searched a bit around and in
> a forum I found this statement:
> If you're requiring 10.4 or greater, use NSXML and associated classes
> (NSXMLDocument, NSXMLNode, NSXMLElement, etc). Those are DOM based, which
> IMO, is far easier to work with than SAX (NSXMLParser).
> As far as I can see, there is only the NSXMLParser in gnustep-base stable.
> Are the other classes planned to be implemented at some point, or maybe they
> are already in unstable? I've seen a lot of svn commit messages regarding
> 10.5 compatibilty over the last weeks/month...
> If not, not a big problem, then I'll stick to NSXMLParser, I was just curious.
> regards
> Sebastian

mySTEP already comes with a NSXML* implementation. It uses NSXMLParser
as the real parser and creates NSXMLNodes for all tags and content
found. But it is incomplete beyond basic XML. Mainly missing are DTD,
namespaces, and XML writing.


But it may be already sufficient. Or you may be interested in
contributing to the missing parts.


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