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Re: newbies would have a lot of questions with gnustep environment

From: zhangweiwu
Subject: Re: newbies would have a lot of questions with gnustep environment
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:09:04 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090113)

张韡武 wrote:
> Hello. I just started to try GNUStep as an ordinary usre and my head is
> suddenly full of questions that doesn't seems to be obviously available on
> the Internet or manual.
Hi. Thanks for answering the technical ones from my list of questions.
As a new user I cannot help feeling the products has a lot of highlights
but the learning path was not paved for the users (not that users are
not prepared to learn, which is a different case). Both because of the
product & document.

*AS of the product itself*: For example, as an ordinary user he must
understand the concept of GWorkspace and WindowMaker are two separate
things because of duplicate of functions and unclear of responsibility,
compare to the case in Gnome where users are likely to be unaware of
metacity and nautilus.

*AS of the documents*: When I search and compare the tutorials on the
Internet, I found "Window Maker 0.80.2 Guided tour" (no longer maintained)
one of the best tutorial guide for its brief & straightforwardness,
compare to some other tutorial which started by introducing what is a
Window and what is a Dialog (require great patience to read) or assume
users are coming from Mac OS X or NeXT world. Yet a good, comfortable to
read and easy to follow tutorial on GWorkspace seems to be missing. Even
though answer to most technical questions could be obtained by searching
into mailing list archive, looking at the source etc, a good tutorial
provided a very important role on getting people started as a user.

I know non-technical question are not always welcome in all mailing
lists for its naiveness but what motivated me to put out all question is
because I think first hand experience of new user might be important. It
serve a barrier or a doorway to new people who want to use gnustep, thus
there probably be interest on it. Later when I become an advanced user I
would lost the view of naive user and not able to ask questions
reflecting real difficulty of new users.

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