I'll try to be to the point... I'm need to be able to find some bundles that conform to a particular protocol so that I can load them and maybe use them. I've been reading the Apple docs and I already know how to search the bundle directories and use -conformWithProtocol:. What I'm having a hard time grasping is, how do I find out if the bundle I'm looking at actually meets my criterias before loading it? Is this even possible? Since NSBundle doesn't support unloading (at least according to Apple) I don't want to load every single bundle in the system just to then find out they are just going to take up space. I've read the Apple Plug-in docs and NSBundle Programming Guide, but I still don't know how to do what I'm trying to.
FYI: this is for the NSSound reimplementation effort... I'm trying to support multiple "plug-ins".