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Re: How to add support for my language?

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: How to add support for my language?
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 11:39:15 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081227)

Csanyi Pal schrieb:
> Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de> writes:
>> Csanyi Pal wrote:
>>> It's free to edit data.classes files? I don't think so. And you?
>> No, better don't touch these files. What should be translated is the
>> text in the objects.gorm files, but as these are binary files don't
>> change them directly. The basic idea here is to load each gorm file
>> with Gorm and change the text and layout in Gorm, store the file in
>> your language specific directory and that's it. But as I wrote
>> previously, this process fails for me.
>> Fred
> OK, I'm try now to load objects.gorm file with Gorm, but don't know
> how to do it?
> I did the following:
>  $ cd ~/DownloadedGNUstepSources/gorm-1.2.10/
>  $ cp -R English.lproj Hungarian.lproj
> After I translated objects.gorm files with Gorm must to edit:
>  ~/DownloadedGNUstepSources/gorm-1.2.10/GNUmakefile
> file too:
> Emacs-ban
> C-x C-f
> gorm-1.2.10/GNUmakefile
> -------------*
> Gorm_LANGUAGES = \
>         English Hungarian
> -------------*
> Strart Gorm:
>  $ Gorm.app
>  menu: Gorm> Document> Open> gorm-1.2.10/Hungarian.lproj/Gorm.gorm
>  The file being loaded was created with a newer build, continue?
>  OK
>  Now, how can I loaded
>  Gorm.gorm/objects.gorm
> file?
> I try that but without success, because in the Open dialog I can't
> find objects.gorm files. :(
> Any advices will be appreciated!

You don't load the object.gorm file directly, loading the Gorm.gorm
directory is all that is needed. But you should take the warning you are
getting about the "newer build" seriously and first update your Gorm
installation before proceeding.


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