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Re: Linking against an uninstalled framework

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Linking against an uninstalled framework
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 21:11:36 +0100

On 15 Jul 2009, at 12:55, Wolfgang Lux wrote:


what are the correct linker flags in a GNUmakefile for linking an application against an uninstalled framework? So far, the best I could find are the following definitions from SystemPreferences.app:

 ifeq ($(findstring mingw32, $(GNUSTEP_TARGET_OS)), mingw32)
ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS += -L../../PreferencePanes/$ (FRAMEWORK_NAME).framework/Versions/Current/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR)

Hi Wolfgang,


should always work in gnustep-make v2, without any conditionals, no matter if versions are enabled or not. That is supported since gnustep-make 1.98.1 (March 2007). :-)

I assume that the GNUmakefile for SystemPreferences.app was written when gnustep-make 1.x was still being used, and that the conditional was later kept as a backwards-compatibility hack. ;-)

I wouldn't worry too much about these gnustep-make v1 compatibility hacks - gnustep-make v2 is now over 2 years old (gnustep-make 2.0.0 was released in April 2007) so they are becoming increasingly irrelevant. We could keep the existing ones in place for another year or two, but I definitely wouldn't use them in new software. ;-)


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