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why does NSTask setpgrp on sub processes?

From: Derek Zhou
Subject: why does NSTask setpgrp on sub processes?
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:59:28 -0800
User-agent: KMail/1.12.4 (Linux/2.6.31; KDE/4.3.4; i686; ; )

hi all,
it seems NSTask setpgrp after the fork:
       * Make sure task is run in it's own process group.                       
#ifdef     HAVE_SETPGRP
      setpgrp(getpid(), getpid());

Why is it doing that? Is it simply what Apple is doing?
I am trying to call $EDITOR (normally a TTY process) in my program which has no 
gui either. 
However I suspect the setpgrp mess up the terminal setting so the EDITOR does 
not have the tty. I can tcsetpgrp from my process but then my process is 
stopped. Can we do this:
0, just don't setpgrp, or
1, don't setpgrp if the parent's stdin is a tty and not setting the child's 
stdin, or
2, add an option not to setpgrp. (it is an additional API though)
I think 1 is the safest route and I can easily make a patch. I can do either 0 
or 1 if that's what people want.


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